Got to go back to Nasivikoso - one last time!
Monday we had a fun combined Family Home Evening at the Stake Patriarch's house, followed by a boss potluck dinner. It was potLucky for us! #letsgo #dry
Tuesday District Meeting was fun, we had some fire cooking from the Sisters (though Elder Mokie did knock my plate on the floor). After a few fallthroughs to start off all of a sudden the work picked up and we were able to see a bunch of our investigators and less-actives. One of our investigators, Eroni, we invited to be baptized on the 13th on next month, my last Sunday. He happily accepted, but when he came to church on Sunday, he asked, "Hey Elders, can I just get baptized next week?" So we're getting excited to have him for baptism next week, along with Sister Taukei, whose records are missing and has to be baptized again in order to recreate them. Probably best part of our day, though, was getting to sit down with Niko. He's still the man - his church attendance since his baptism has been on and off, it's been hard because of his work, but we're trying to help him see the wonderful benefit of coming to church every week and putting the Lord first in his life.
More shenanigans with Elda Afatasi
Wednesday we went up to Nasivikoso with the Dratabu Elders, probably for the last time. The area has been handed over to them so we, being the only one who knows the way up through the mountain road, took them up to show them around and introduce them to the members in the village. It was a fun time, especially when I was talking to a recently baptized 10-year-old girl up there and asked her who baptized her. She replied, "Elder 'Ita and Elder Painapiu!" I just laughed because I (Elder Painapiu/Pineapple) hadn't baptized her, she had just forgotten the other Elder's name.
Thursday we hopped right into an exchange with Rakiraki elders, and I got to go with Elder Masoe, who was my MTC companion. It was actually ridiculously fun, we told stories and laughed the whole time and had a boss day of laboring in the Lord's Vineyard (see Jacob 5 in the Book of Mormon). We got some new investigators, two Indian girls named Jana and Jyoti who are ons tu mada ga. Jyoti asked some really soul-searching questions, so we came back on Sunday and started teaching the Plan of Salvation to help her out (for more on the Plan of Salvation, go to
Friday we got back from exchanges with Rakiraki elders and, after a quick lunch, went straight on exchanges again with the Nadi Hindi elders. It was a fun day of lessons in their area, though it was funny because we taught only Fijians, when their primary focus is supposed to be the Fiji Indian population. One family we visited (who the Nadi elders are hopefully going to baptize next week) was way funny as we taught them about the law of tithing. The father wanted to give an example, so he pulled out one of the pamphlets, gave it to Elder Howard (of Nadi) and said, "Here, let's say this is my tithing. I give it, and"--picking up his empty glass of water--"the Lord pours out His blessings upon us." He then tipped over the not-so-empty cup and out came water, all over Elder Howard's lap. We all died laughing, it was a classic gag.
Lots of exploring this week - gotta love Fiji!
Peni got baptized!
Saturday was a really slow day, but we were able to get Peni approved for his baptism, which was held before church on Sunday. We were so happy for that event, because it's been well over a year in the making. He finally made it, and it was a special experience to watch his wife hug him right as he came up out of the water, and as he bore his testimony he started crying and it just showed how much this man has hoped for this day, trying to overcome past mistakes in order to align his life with the Savior and His teachings. It was just a great end to a great week.
I love you all, and I am ready for another awesome week!
Elder Barnaby
he Naicker kids were looking for crabs while
we walked with them to visit one of their friends.
I made pudding pie with an oreo cookie crust for District Meeting. It was pretty good!
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