(Explanation of title: We walked over an hour in the rain on Sunday after church to get to the Branch President's house and were coming up with a Mormon parody of Star Wars)
Boy! Great week! I'm just getting happier and happier, especially when I hear of successes my old companions are having! Elder Vole is doing wonders in Tavua, and Elder Po'ona just baptized our investigator in Suva 4th! For a little bit, I was upset that I wasn't able to have that kind of success when I was there, but I know that I planted some of those seeds, and I can only feel joy when I hear about their success!
Cool looking crab - that is not my hand, by the way.
Tabua and Amarina are so fun to teach - this past week, a couple from the States who own a house here came back to visit and the Brother helped us teach Tabua and Amarina. We watched the Restoration video with them, and something changed in them afterwards. All of a sudden, there was a sincere desire to know. It was amazing. I love them a lot. Also, that couple from America fed us dinner - chicken enchiladas, AH MAN you have NO idea how happy I was to eat Mexican food. No idea.
We had Zone Training Meeting on Tuesday, and I've had one of those a month since the beginning of my mission, but this was easily the best. The trainings were great. It was just a great spirit there too - it really inspired me to do my best the rest of the week. On Friday and Saturday, I was with our District Leader, Elder Painter, and he is one good missionary. He was an Assistant to the President, which is basically the highest leadership position you can have as a missionary. You only get there if you're good - really good. And Elder Painter is really good. It was a great learning experience.
Zone Training Meeting - with just our District
and the Zone Leaders 'cause we're on an island!
Honestly, I'm so happy. So happy. I can't describe it - I'm just so full of joy and love I can't even handle it! This is the best place for me to be, right here and right now. Trust me. Something I read this morning in the Book of Mormon just really got me going: "And it came to pass that the Lord did visit them with his Spirit, and said unto them: Be comforted. And they were comforted. And the Lord said unto them also: Go forth among the Lamanites, thy brethren, and establish my word; yet ye shall be patient in long-suffering and afflictions, that ye may show forth good examples unto them in me, and I will make an instrument of thee in my hands unto the salvation of many souls." (Alma 17:10-11)
There was a big bug. I went into Hero Mode.
The people of Fiji, these are my brethren and sisters - and even though it's hard sometimes, I know why I'm here. This is my joy.
Elder Barnaby
We interrupt this blog with an special message from
Elder Carter (Max's companion)
Elder Carter (Max's companion)
This is Elder Carter, I'm Elder Barnaby's companion at the moment. We were walking along the other day and all of a sudden, Elder Barnaby says, "Look, horses in the ocean...IT'S A SEA-HORSE!!!" We were dying laughing and thought that our families might appreciate our bad jokes.
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